
Showing posts from April, 2015


YouTube  Ed. Tech. Standard 4: Use general purpose productivity tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, to remediate skill deficits, and to facilitate learning through the curriculum. I created this playlist mostly for my self. I found videos that can help me be a better teacher. I also found some motivational videos for my students to watch. I also got some ideas for science projects to do with my class. YouTube is a great resource to help those first year teachers.

News Letter

May News Letter Ed Tech. Standard 5: Use technology tools for individuals and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. This is a news letter designated for the month of May. I love it so much that I could use it for other months as well. Its very simple to change the colors and some of the pictures. The layout is simple and easy. Its very organized and easy to read so there is no confusions. Its colorful and fun for kids to look at too, so they can remember the important dates and to study their spelling words and vocabulary. I also think newsletters are very important. They help parents get involved in the student education, and by parents getting involved they help teach their children more. I defiantly recommend every teacher to find an easy template to use as a newsletter and send them out with their kids and parents! Maybe mine can be of some assistance in giving you a...


Educreation 6th Grade Music Standard 2: The students will play instruments as a means of musical expression; 3: The students will create music through improvising, arranging, and composing. Ed. Tech. Standard 4: Use general purpose productivity tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, to remediate skill deficits, and to facilitate learning through the curriculum. This Educreation is a fun way for students to learn how to play a ukulele. Its simple and instructional. I start by showing what string numbers and frets are. I continue to show them chords: C, F, D, G. These chords are used in "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" Which is the song we will learn and play as a class. I continued to teach extra chords, for those over achiever students. A minor, D minor, and E minor are the extra chords I taught. Then at the close of the video I showed a picture of the song and the chords. This would be so helpful for substitutes to use when the teacher isn't there, t...

Mind Mapping

Health Mind Map 6th Grade Health Standard 1:The students will learn ways to improve mental health and manage stress. Ed. Tech. Standard 4: Use general purpose productivity tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, to remediate skill deficits, and to facilitate learning through the curriculum. I created this mind map for my students to understand how to live and health life in an easy and organised way. It discuses: a healthy way to manage your stress, how to have a proper sleep routine and diet, how to exercise correctly, and also help advise. Students will learn how to apply this to their daily life through practice in the classroom. We will work on this through out the curriculum. At recess and P.E. we will review over what is good and bad when being physically active. After lunch we will discus good foods and bad things to keep out of our bodies. I want all my students to be healthy! Having a mind map as a visual aid will help my students remember it better. ...