
Showing posts from March, 2015

Thing Link

Human Skeleton 3rd Grade Health Standard 3; Objective 1: Summarize the functions of the skeletal and muscular systems. Ed. Tech. Standard 4: Use general purpose productivity tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, to remediate skill deficits, and to facilitate learning through the curriculum. I created this Thing Link to help my students understand the human skeleton. The human skeleton can be hard to learn for younger kids. I created this Thing Link not only to quiz kids but also to teach them the human skeletal system. It includes many of the basic bone names. There is also a fun rap song that I found on YouTube that I included. I want my students to learn about themselves, what they are made of, literally! Bones are very important to know. I had a bone vocabulary test in each of my health classes in junior high and high school. In my classroom I want to teach my student  the bones song. Over the curriculum we will learn the bone by studying this Thing Link ...

Story Bird

Story Bird-My Mommy is the Best. 4th Grade Health Standard 2; Objective 2: Identify the qualities of positive role models. Ed. Tech. Standard 4: Use general purpose productivity tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, to remediate skill deficits, and to facilitate learning through the curriculum. This Story Bird is so cute. The Health standard I chose was, "identify the qualities of positive role models." This is a rhyming book, from a daughters point of view telling and showing how much she loves her mom. I think parents play a great role for kids and they need to be a good role model for them. In class after reading this Story bird my class will write a paper on who their role model is and why. Doing this will help them identify who they look up to and have more appreciation for that person and also other people around them.

Google Docs

Multiplication Test 5th Grade Math Standard: Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. Ed. Tech. Standard 4: Use general purpose productivity tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, to remediate skill deficits, and to facilitate learning through the curriculum. The Google Doc that I created can help me and also other teachers in their classrooms. I created a simple Multiplication tests for 3rd - 6th grader. There are 3 different texts included in this Google Document. This is so the students and teachers can get a variation of what the students know and what they can work on. This document is organized and neat, so students don't get distracted and its easy to take. I want my students to excel in math, I always struggled with my times tables. When my teachers said "Timed test!", I would get really bad anxiety because I knew I wasn't going to pass. I don't want that for my students. I want them to have confidence and kn...


Tiki Toki: Presidential Timeline 5th Grade Social Studies Standard 5: Students will adress the causes, consequences an dimplications of the emergence of the United States as a world power. Ed. Tech. Standard 4: Use general purpose productivity tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, to remediate skill deficits, and to facilitate learning through the curriculum. This Tiki Toki is a fun visual way to show kids the order of the presidents. This includes: names, dates in office, age entering office, visual images of each president, political party, and interest facts about each president. There are also extra websites to visit to learn more. The presidents can be hard to learn and memorize. In class we will learn a song to help us memorize the president and something significant about each one. This unit will be spread out in a span of time. Each day or so often we will focus on one president and talk about them and what they did for our country. I want my stude...


Pinterest Page Ed. Tech. Standard 5: Use technology tools for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. My Pinterest page that I created will not only help me but also other teacher in search for inspiration. This page includes activities, quotes, lessons, and classroom decor. I use Pinterest on the daily and highly recommend it to any and all teachers to use it to get ideas for teaching styles and classroom looks! I'm constantly pinning fun science fair projects and fun art projects. These ideas will not only help me have fun in my classroom but also my students to enjoy their year and have fun in my class!