
Tiki Toki: Presidential Timeline
5th Grade Social Studies Standard 5: Students will adress the causes, consequences an dimplications of the emergence of the United States as a world power.
Ed. Tech. Standard 4: Use general purpose productivity tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, to remediate skill deficits, and to facilitate learning through the curriculum.

This Tiki Toki is a fun visual way to show kids the order of the presidents. This includes: names, dates in office, age entering office, visual images of each president, political party, and interest facts about each president. There are also extra websites to visit to learn more. The presidents can be hard to learn and memorize. In class we will learn a song to help us memorize the president and something significant about each one. This unit will be spread out in a span of time. Each day or so often we will focus on one president and talk about them and what they did for our country.

I want my students to no only learn each presidents name and what time period they came into office, but also what amazing people they were. I want my students to understand the historical hardships each president had to encounter. They sacrifice their lives to enhance this country. I want to ask each of my students, "Can you imagine being president over the thousands of people of America?" Many presidents went through hard and stressful times, like wars specifically segregation and the Holocaust. Understanding these heroes go  through and went through will help my students have a better appreciation for their country and president.


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